Tag Archives: Grammar

When is a novel complete?

Celebrations here after I put the finishing touches on my 103,000-word thriller novel last week. After nearly two years of writing and numerous edits, it is hard to believe that I can finally move on to my next project (another novel) and back to short story writing, which I love and have missed during my disciplined period of writing in the longer format.

One interesting point came up in the later stages of the editing process and I would love to know whether anyone else has experienced something similar. I wrote my novel in Word and used it for most of my editing in the early stages. Later I printed out hard copies of the manuscript and gave it to three people to edit. After applying their comments, I formatted the manuscript into a PDF format so that I could read it on my e-reader before I sent it to any agents. In that format, I picked up a number of errors and poor use of language, which had not been evident in the previous copies.

I would love to read about your editing techniques or if anyone has found that changing the format has revealed issues in their own work.



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Trying to Win at Winchester

Today is the day for preparing submissions for the competitions at the Winchester Writer’s Conference in June. I hope to enter two of the categories – The First Three Pages of a Novel and The Shorter Short Story.

My self edit list reads as follows:

Follow the instructions for entry

Every word must count

Use meaningful verbs

Spelling, structure and grammar

Every word must count


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